86th Annual Meeting Tonight

NLI will be hosting our 86th Annual Meeting on Wednesday, May 12th at 6:00 PM PDT. This year’s meeting will be held as a virtual webinar or tele-conference, with no in-person meeting.


We will be utilizing a Zoom Webinar to conduct the meeting.  At the time of the meeting please follow this link to participate:



Or, dial in by telephone:

(888) 788-0099 (Toll Free)

or (833) 548-0276 (Toll Free)

or (833) 548-0282 (Toll Free)

or (877) 853-5247 (Toll Free)

Webinar ID: 889 0243 2589


An official annual meeting notice was mailed to all NLI members on April 15th.

Additionally, ballots were mailed to all NLI Members in District 2 and District 4 to choose their District Director. Please remember that your completed ballot needs to be placed in the gold-colored secrecy envelope, and then that envelope is placed in the included postage-paid return envelope. The return envelope must be signed in order for it to be valid.

Your postage-paid ballot can then be placed in the US Mail. Or, dropped off in the collection box located in the Lobby of our Headquarters at 421 Chevy Street in Sagle, Idaho. All ballots, regardless of whether they are mailed or dropped off at our Sagle Headquarters must be received by 5 PM PDT on Tuesday May 11th.

Election results will be announced during our Virtual Annual Meeting on May 12th.